In this setup, we will have 2 Kamailio servers, referred to as ‘nodes’. One will be active and one will standby. There is a 3rd ‘floating’ IP that is moved to which ever node is active. Kamailio should be configured to use the floating IP. In this example, the nodes are:
Floating IP:
First, add both nodes to /etc/hosts kam01 kam02
Install corosync and pacemaker:
apt-get install ntp corosync pacemaker -y
Generate /etc/corosync/authkey:
Copy corosync-key to kam02:
scp -P 22 /etc/corosync/authkey root@kam02:/etc/corosync
Enable corosync on kam01 & kam02:
sed -i "s/START=no/START=yes/g" /etc/default/corosync
Enable pacemaker service in corosync:
cat > /etc/corosync/service.d/pcmk << EOF service { name: pacemaker ver: 1 } EOF
Add corosync config:
cat >/etc/corosync/corosync.conf<<EOF # totem { version: 2 transport: udpu interface { member { memberaddr: } member { memberaddr: } ringnumber: 0 bindnetaddr: mcastport: 5405 } } logging { to_logfile: yes logfile: /var/log/corosync/corosync.log debug: off timestamp: on logger_subsys { subsys: AMF debug: off } } EOF
Start corosync and pacemaker:
service corosync start service pacemaker start
Configure corosync, changes will propagate to other node. Make sure to disable stonith:
crm configure property stonith-enabled=false crm configure primitive FAILOVER-IP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="" op monitor interval="10s" crm configure primitive KAM-HA lsb:kamailio op monitor interval="30s" crm configure group KAM-HA-GROUP FAILOVER-IP KAM-HA crm configure colocation KAM-HA-GROUP-COLO inf: FAILOVER-IP KAM-HA crm configure order KAM-HA-ORDER inf: FAILOVER-IP KAM-HA crm configure property no-quorum-policy=ignore
You need no-quorum-policy=ignore for a 2 node cluster. If you messed up during the crm configure part, you can start over using these commands:
# TO CLEAR CONFIG AND START OVER crm configure property stop-all-resources=true crm configure erase
It’s sometimes useful to see what resource agents are available, you can check with these commands:
# TO LIST RESOURCE AGENTS crm ra list lsb crm ra list systemd # (if using systemd init system) crm ra list ocf heartbeat crm ra list ocf pacemaker
If you need to migrate services and floating IP to other node you can run:
crm resource migrate KAM-HA-GROUP kam02
If you need edit specific parameters in the config, you can export it to xml, make the changes and re-import them:
# ADVANCED EDITING cibadmin --query > tmp.xml vi tmp.xml cibadmin --replace --xml-file tmp.xml
One reply on “Kamailio: High-Availability/Failover with Corosync and Pacemaker on Debian 7”
Hey. good tutorial, what would happen if the clusters have two interface one for internet and another for LAN, the idea is that these kamailios will face to some asterisks servers? do I just need to use one of the floating ip for the fail over (i.e the LAN ip) or does the public ip will also need to be part of the settings?